by Brian Jude
Colors, bright and true…
Visions, sharp and clear…
Gliding over northeast river cities -
Until you come to steal it from me.Bastard! Nefarious cad!
Your evil penetrates my pacification,
Abducting me with blinds of confusion,
Banishing me from my own creation,
Thrusting me into a dark, grey, cold confinement.Bastard!
It is during my anguish that I lose hold of the idea
That it was I who summoned you in the first place,
And I hate you for being there.You return daily to cheat me of my zion,
Yet your intrusion is always an unpredicted ambush.I often beg for mercy,
Pleading to hold on for just a few more lingering moments
To that which you desire to excise.
You show your temporary compassion,
But it is only a taunt.
You always return.Bastard!
Sometimes I am stronger.
When pushed far enough, I can overpower you -
But not for long.
I am always forced to eventually succumb.I wish at times that you would disappear
And never again return,
To leave me at peace.But then I realize how terrible things would be without you,
How much of life I would miss out on,
How much the real world can offer me,
How dreams are only ephemeral mists
Destined to vanish by the light of dawn.You're still a bastard!!
© Brian Jude
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