
by Brian Jude

Ante Meridian

Amplitude Modulation

Another Minute

and you'll learn all you need to know
on this very important day
of your miniscule lifespan
(After Mylanta
Advertisements Make
me sick enough to actually need the product!):

Another Mugger
made it home from the park last night with his pockets full...

Another Male
proved his godlike masculinity
through the victorious accomplishment of rape...

Another Mass
bombing of innocent lives
happened again overseas
(so far away from our own precious backyards)...

Another Milestone
comment was made
concerning the O.J. Simpson trial
(are we ever going to get over this story?)...

Another Murderer
was released on good behavior
only to return to his criminal profession...

Another Mad
politician accused the opposing party
of moral wrongdoing...

Another Mishap
delayed the space shuttle from its launch
for the ninth time this week...

Another Match
made in Hollywood
failed on account of infidelity...

***Another Message
from our all-important sponsor
helps to pay the bills
so that we can keep listening to
this vital information***

Another Main
highway is under construction
so expect delays for the life of your car...

Another Major
accident involving a jack-knifed tractor trailer
and a Honda Civic
has eastbound traffic all tied up
while westbound commuters are compelled to rubberneck...

Another Man
is attempting suicide
outside the Lincoln Tunnel
(so seek alternate routes)...

Another Mild
day is expected in today's forecast
so feel fre to wash your car
and use up the last bit of water left in the reservoirs
that have not been replenished
due to an overabundance of days like this...

Another Machine
is being put on the market
to replace the one you bought last week...

Another Millionaire
just bought the rights to every episode
of your favorite T.V. show...

Another Miraculous
wonderdrug is being tested on laboratory rats
in order to prevent AIDS
and cure balding...

Another Multi-million
dollar corpration is laying off thousands of employees
and claims that it is innocent
of contributing to the hole in the ozone layer

and finally...

Another Miserable
day of trading on Wall Street
forces the announcer to tell me
that the Dow is down
when all I want to know
the Tao?

Another Morning
full of news, views, reports, and forecast,
trying to educate facilitate, and validate
my purpose of being

(Actually My
stomach cannot bear to hear
Another Minute
of this nonsense polluting the airwaves
And My
life is actually
so much more meaningful
without it!)

© Brian Jude

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